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15th January 2006
It has been a long time since i last updated the site due to a lack of time. Apologies for this, i intend to be much better during 2006. There have been a number of updates to NVG since July 2 so i am happy to say that TACGR is now back in sync with the work Nich has been doing. As usual the list of new files can be found here. Nich has also been busy with lots more new reviews along with a number of contributions from Guillaume Chalard over at CPC Game Reviews:
23rd July 2005
We have 220 new and updated loading screens, all provided, with my thanks, by Nich Campbell. Nich has a bunch of new reviews CPC Game Reviews reviewed by himself and CPC4eva.
12th July 2005
It's been a very long time since i last updated the site due to a number of events both good & bad, There has been a new set of file uploaded to NVG, see what's new here.
Nich has a bunch of new reviews CPC Game Reviews.